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Providing Around-The-Clock Care and Assistance

Hire a live-out/live-in caregiver for your loved one in Torrance, CA

It’s impossible for you to be there every second for your elderly family member. Hiring a live-in caregiver can make sure someone trustworthy is always there to watch out for and support your loved one. For 24-hour senior care services in Torrance, CA, depend on Live Well Home Care. We can live with and care for clients for days, weeks, months or however long is needed.

As part of our 24-hour senior care services, we can provide medication reminders, mobility assistance, meal preparation and much more. Contact us today to meet with one of our live-in caregivers.

We understand how stressful and scary it can be to leave your elderly family member in the care of someone else. Before you agree to hire us, we’ll meet with you to discuss your family member’s medical history, current condition, mobility level and other relevant factors. Then we’ll create a comprehensive care plan that covers everything your loved one needs to feel comfortable and supported.

Get in touch with us now to learn more about our 24-hour senior care services.

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